Protecting natural habitats in the Black Hills.
The Buy-a-Cave Fundraising event.
Through the Buy-a-Cave initiative, you can support a local conservation project and be an honorary “owner” of a cave room or passage. Heck, you could even stake your claim to an entire cave! Or grab an acre or three of the 45-acre Dahm Springs Preserve, just west of Rapid City. “Owners” will receive a “deed” suitable for framing. Large contributors will also receive a commemorative plaque!
*NOTE that “ownership” is honorary only and payment is a donation to Black Hills Cave and Nature Conservancy. No actual property will be conveyed.
Buy-a-Cave Today!
Buy-a-Cave Today! 〰️
The Black Hills Cave and Nature Conservancy (BHCNC) is a 501 (c)(3) organized under the South Dakota Nonprofit Corporation Act. We advance the protection, study, and enjoyment of caves and other natural resources. We’re happy you’re visiting our site, please browse all of the pages to learn more about our organization and the beautiful places we manage.
Conservation and Education
Our goal is to protect caves in the Black Hills region. We focus on land ownership and public education to reach this goal.
The Science
We believe that the management of these environments and the specialized ecosystems within must include fostering scientific study. This work will increase our understanding of the processes at work in our caves now, as well as the past.
Preserves and Projects
Formed in 2019, the BHCNC is a new organization with deep ties in the caving world. Our partnership with the Paha Sapa Grotto has allowed us to build upon their decades old reputation. Now with a great deal of local support, we are proud to announce the creation of our first preserve!

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
— Theodore Roosevelt