The Paha Sapa Grotto
The only caving organization in the Dakotas, the Paha Sapa Grotto (PSG) has been working to explore and protect caves in the Black Hills since the 1960s. PSG members have discovered and cataloged more than 400 local caves, and are a great resource for education, rescue expertise, and general caving knowledge. The Grotto is the greatest friend of the BHCNC, and should be your first stop if you’re thinking about visiting wild caves.
The owners of Rushmore Cave and Mystic Cave have been friends to the BHCNC since the beginning. These folks are great stewards of their caves, and are supporting cave conservation in the Black Hills by educating the public and helping us to raise funds for cave protection. They also have an amazingly fun adventure park, which we encourage you to visit!
The National Speleological Society
The National Speleological Society (NSS) is the largest organization in the world that focuses on the exploration, study, and conservation of caves. The NSS is a great resource for cave science information and other references. The NSS is also the parent organization for more the 250 sub-chapters, including the Paha Sapa Grotto. The BHCNC has partnered with the NSS to jointly manage the Dahm Springs Preserve.