NOTE: Prizes are subject to change at sponsor discretion. This list will continue to be updated as more sponsors confirm their participation and prizes are added!
GRAND PRIZE: To Be Announced
South Dakota Outdoor Shop: Great outdoor gear!
Rush Mountain Adventure Park, Home of Rushmore Cave: Four all-day wrist bands, including rides, a cave tour, and more! A $260 value!
On Rope 1: Helmet, cave pack, 2 carabiners, knee pads, elbow pads, and a Petzl headlamp!
Final Frontier Sports: ZebraLight headlamp!
Black Hills Helicopters: A helicopter tour over the Black Hills!
Speleobooks: $50 gift certificate/credit!
Roam N Around: Petzl quickdraws and Black Diamond headlamps!
Elevated Climbing: $50 gift cards!
Scheltens Ranch Airbnb: A one-night stay on the Scheltens Ranch near Hot Springs, SD (site of the 1988 NSS Convention)!
Sprockets Fun Foundry: Certificate for two!